We are the children is a project that the Tarantula Rubra Association leads by way of volunteering however there are costs to tale into consideration and we are in need of your support. In addition experiencing an immense joy; if anyone wants to join our team, there are expenses to be addressed and realised this dream, your dream to come into fruition in order to help all African children and for us to accept your generous donations and support.

Generous testimonials are spent creatively as we invite you to support the project, and here we would like to mention the most relevant entries in our budget expenditures.

The new DVD "WE ARE THE CHILDREN 2" is ready.  We've realised it in Apulian school, together with the children that gave their donations, in Kenyan orphanage and refugees camps in Greece.

Book and buy it! You can help us to come back to Kenya. Our work there is just started!!










IBAN IT65 S030 3279 2310 1000 0684 789

Reason of your donation: WE ARE THE CHILDREN