In 2014 the TARANTULA RUBRA Association moves to Ostuni in the Puglia region and commences to put in place the project WE ARE THE CHILDREN.

This project stems from the belief that music is the best tool to interact with humans than any social and cultural extraction and it appeals to any age. Having previously worked with children at risk and after working for several years with vulnerable adults too, Anna Nacci believed it would be the right moment to rededicate this to the minors.

First of all the Italians, in order to give them the opportunity to know other realities, other cultures, other stories, but above all give them a contribution to strengthen the sense of solidarity and brotherhood; allowing this to be addressed to the children residing in the continent making them aware that Africa has always been exploited and abused.

Meanwhile the transmission of TARANTULA RUBRA is side-by-side with a new transmission that came to life in 2015, TARANTULA RUBRA FOR CHILDREN, whose aim is to introduce the radio listeners to the hopes and dreams of children having arrived on the Italian coasts; the transmission manages to awaken interest and consciences in those whom can transform the sterile numbers dictated by the mass media relating to migrants with their stories of passion and their feelings towards their babies and children who board in search of a future and salvation.



The project WE ARE THE CHILDREN took shape in September 2014 and the first steps approached the primary and secondary schools of Ostuni where we then introduced this to Accra in Ghana.

Come and join us in Ghana!

The second step of the project WE ARE THE CHILDREN will begin in some of the schools in the province of Brindisi and then we will travel over to Nairobi in Kenya.

Come and join us in Kenya!!






The third step of the project WE ARE THE CHILDREN will be in KENYA again in March 2018.

Come and join us in KENYA !!!


In July 2023, we have gone in Kenya again, and we've worked with children and women of DEEP SEE, one of the slum in Nairobi. Let's have a look at our pictures.





IBAN IT65 S030 3279 2310 1000 0684 789

Reason of your donation: WE ARE THE CHILDREN







    We thank Adele Morciano and Vito Parisi by Ars Nova Accademia and their music during our school tour

We thank Leonardo Zangallo and his family for hosting all the donations we collected from our children


We thank TELCOM and Raffaele Casale for giving us funds in order to continue our project






IBAN IT65 S030 3279 2310 1000 0684 789

causale del pagamento: WE ARE THE CHILDREN








We are the children is a project that the Tarantula Rubra Association leads by way of volunteering however there are costs to tale into consideration and we are in need of your support. In addition experiencing an immense joy; if anyone wants to join our team, there are expenses to be addressed and realised this dream, your dream to come into fruition in order to help all African children and for us to accept your generous donations and support.

Generous testimonials are spent creatively as we invite you to support the project, and here we would like to mention the most relevant entries in our budget expenditures.

The new DVD "WE ARE THE CHILDREN 2" is ready.  We've realised it in Apulian school, together with the children that gave their donations, in Kenyan orphanage and refugees camps in Greece.

Book and buy it! You can help us to come back to Kenya. Our work there is just started!!










IBAN IT65 S030 3279 2310 1000 0684 789

Reason of your donation: WE ARE THE CHILDREN



We are so happy and proud because these grand amazing artists are supporting our project WE ARE THE CHILDREN showing a rather big heart with added passion.

This is the final video


Now it's our turn!




IBAN IT65 S030 3279 2310 1000 0684 789

Reason of your donation: WE ARE THE CHILDREN





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